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I had quite the adventure making this little app. Originally i just didn't feel like paying for any of the number of trakcing/history apps and figured i'd write it myself

Also my roommates kinda wanted me to deduct my charging costs reliably from monthly electric bills. (yes HCOL means even tesla drivers have rooommates)

I thought this would also be a great oppurtunity to test out making a blazor app becauswe i was impressed by what i saw at 2019 MS Ignite

I got to learn more about Rest APIs and proper authentication, linux/cron/test out powershell core and their quirks

This whole thing started out to test out raspbian and learn some linux instead of running this on my home pc. I ended up learning cron and getting powershell core and sql libraries workingn on my little device

Then to practice my cloud skills i moved this process to a VM in azure

but as of 9/15/2021 or somewhere thereabouts it stopped working because tesla started blocking cloud providers, they probably want to profit on this kind of thing themselves

So i modified my little daemon to go from 2 min to 1 min constant polling (for better granularity) and now no tokens or any data is stored, everything just pulls from the DB, gets credentials/etc and then does the api calls all locally at my house then writes it all back to azure sql DB

This decoupling makes it much easier to move around the tracking daemon in the future

UPDATE 8/5/2022

My lease has ended and instead of buying another Tesla right away I'm going to go back to motorcycles for a little while. This was the greatest car I've ever owned and I'll be getting another shortly, especially since the tax EV tax credit has returned

Meanwhile this app is no longer needed. I'll add some photos of the little web app for posterity and shut off the Azure resources. It was fun while it lasted